Breakfast will be served every morning in class. If your child does not like the food that is served, please make sure they eat before they come to school. Our recess/lunch time is not until 11:25 am, which makes it a long morning. I will allow my students to eat a small snack if they get hungry but since my class is a "Zero Junk Food Zone' the snack must be a healthy one and it must not interrupt their learning or the learning of their classmates. I will not allow any chips, cookies, or candy. Please send items like fresh fruit or vegetables, crackers, granola, trail mix, pretzels, or anything else that is low in fat and sugar. Additionally, if they don't want to pay a ticket to get a drink of water during the day, I encourage them to bring a water bottle to class that they can keep at their desks. Please don't allow your child to bring anything to drink other than water. I will not permit any sugary drinks or sports drinks.